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White Wine Spritzer
A few pieces of White Chocolate
Today’s lunch was leftovers but not of my making, rather it was Tesco leftovers purchased for 45p. I ate it in the warmest place I could find, sitting on my bed with my laptop warming my, er ... lap. I added extra soy sauce and I spurned the wasabi as I often do; to me it tastes like Coleman’s English Mustard and is not fish friendly.
I realise that this post is a bit pathetic but I really wanted an excuse to “tell the World” that I have had my first glossy magazine article published in January’s Vegetarian Living Magazine (already out!) – mine is the one called “Use Your Loaf” and I am really pleased with it. I did the photos too and they seem to have come out just fine. Clever girl me!
Another thing I wanted to mention is that I made my Christmas Cake last Sunday which was, coincidentally, Stir Up Sunday, something I had never heard of. Research - Wikipaedia - has revealed that the name "comes from the opening words of the Collect for the day in the Book of Common Prayer" ...
“Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Through an association of ideas, or possibly sheer silliness the day subsequently became connected with the making of Christmas puddings and cakes. Further research has also revealed that the whole family is supposed to have a stir and make a wish but I didn’t know this and was, in any case, home alone.
My darling wanted me to cook one “like his Mam used to make” but he’s lost the recipe. (In a brief aside I would like say that not only has he always made the Christmas cake in the past but once when unable to get marzipan in the Caribbean, he made that too! What a man.) So I studied a number of recipes from Delia to the Be-Ro cookbook, Dr. Oetker and several others and do you know what – pretty well the same, all of them. So I just made one and here’s a pic. I’m sorry it is only a photo of its botty but I was drizzling in some brandy at the time. The resulting Christmas Cake recipe is here.