
“The Art of Eating” by M.F.K. Fisher – a Review

I recently bought Penguin’s Great Food series – 20 slim volumes for just £15.  No way would I (or could I) pay the list price of £140 for the boxed set, of course, but at this price they are a bargainaceous and delightful collection of food writing.  

The set includes “Love in a Dish”; some of M.F.K. Fisher’s writing, and I devoured this little book greedy for more so was delighted to discover that The Kitchen Reader’s book of the month is “The Art of Eating” by Ms. Fisher no less.

Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher (1908 – 1992), must be one of the wonderfullest food writers, or even writers generally, ever.  She is interesting, funny (“Central heating, French rubber goods and cookbooks are three amazing proofs of man’s ingenuity …”), informative and writes delicious sentences.  I have, actually, read her work before, long ago, and I am so enamoured of her I shall read her again and again, I think.  In fact I have become a tad obsessive, I've even googled her to see what she looked like.

Brilliant woman – when I grow up I want to be just like her.

 “The Art of Eating” by Ms. Fisher is, in fact, 5 books in one volume and so far I haven’t read all of it.  Instead of ploughing through as with a thrilling novel I am dipping into it, selecting a choice morsel and savouring it; this is not the sort of thing I would want to rush.  I have read about the years she spent in Provence, “How Not to Cook an Egg” including Eggs Obstaculos involving eggs, spicy salsa and beer, how to un-seduce someone (!) and recipes for Aunt Gwen’s Cold Shape, Garum and Mouth Wash.  There are so many goodies in this book!

Read more about this amazing lady and her writing here or get her book(s) at Amazon although, of course, other booksellers are available.


debs said...

very interesting!mmmmm.
i particularly like the one about the roast pig, by mr lamb!and i do recognise the throw..!
good luck for tommorrow!

Sarah said...

I agree that Mary Frances' writing is to be savoured. She is the "wonderfullest". :) I am jealous of your set of food writing books - I'm sure they are great reads but they are also very pretty all together on the shelf. The only one I own is the Fisher one, and I have been saving it for a special day. I think it would make a great companion on a long train journey.

By the way, what happened at your publisher meeting? Are you writing a book?

Suzy - Sudden Lunch said...

Thank you for your interest; the meeting with the publishers went well, I am writing a book about ... leftovers! Hopefully it will be published early next year. Yippee!